Clarity for Getting Things Done

Coaching / Coaching Introduction

Clarity for Getting Things Done

In the previous blogs the benefit of clarity and the process for gaining clarity were explained.  Now take action.

Step 4: Clarify your priorities.

Pull out your calendar in week view. If you don’t have a calendar, write a week down on a piece of paper. You can use Google calendar or Outlook calendar. List the top three things you would like to accomplish this week. Write each down on your calendar.

Step 5: Clarify your action items and timeline.

Plan when you will do what. Create small tasks so that you can check them off as you accomplish them. The feeling of completing a task gives you satisfaction and will keep you motivated. Think of how much time each item will take and put it down on your calendar. Use the color system and code each item accordingly.

Step 6: Clarify your stopping points.

Once you have all your tasks and items on your calendar, use a timer to track the time that you have assigned for each item. This will give you that stop point.

Step 7: Clarify your future plans.

Create a habit of planning a week ahead and review the day before.

When you go through this exercise, you will find yourself focused on one thing at a time and having clarity. You will free yourself from thinking of what to do or worrying about what to do next – instead knowing exactly when and what you are doing and why.

Start today and try it for a week. I would love to hear how it worked for you!

* Originally posted on #CenterforCoachingCertification by #CathyLiska.