What to Expect from Your Parent Coach

Coaching Introduction

What to Expect from Your Parent Coach

What to Expect from Your Parent Coach

When you start working with a parent coach, they will want to know your concerns and your priorities. You decide what is most important and the coach is your partner to consider options and challenges, develop strategies, and decide how you will move forward.

What happens in coaching?  Often it starts with a big picture exploration of what you want in all areas of your life.  This provides tremendous value because you identify competing priorities, influencing factors, and top priorities.  Next is a session that will support your focus, confidence, positivity, and motivation for creating the meaningful changes you want.  Then, on an ongoing basis, you choose what you want to focus on and accomplish in each session.

Coaches have many different ways to partner with you in exploring, reflecting, discovering, and planning.  For example, they may ask probing questions.  Brainstorming and role playing often are helpful.  Some coaches offer assessments. Creating tools and organizing information happens during and between sessions.  Considering the pros and cons may be helpful.  Talking through worst case, best case, and most likely scenarios can be insightful.

Because coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process, a well-trained coach will collaborate with you on how to maximize the value in each session.

* Originally posted on #CenterforCoachingCertification by #CathyLiska.