Coaching Skills for Remote Workforce Managers

Leader / Employee Effectiveness

Coaching Skills for Remote Workforce Managers

By Ceci Amador

Remote work is on the rise.  Managing a remote team effectively calls for highly developed skills because it can be challenging in a faceless, digital work environment. In order to make remote teams work, being a great communicator, leader, and motivator is essential. Lessons from coach training or working with a certified coach are valuable for professionals interested in improving their remote team management skills. When done right, remote work offers various benefits to companies and employees alike. Remote workers enjoy a better work-life balance, are more productive, and with great management, they are more engaged with their company.  Companies that employ remote workers have employees who perform better, and they also save a significant amount of money on office space, utilities, and benefits packages.

There are 4 powerful coaching skills that serve remote workforce managers to learn:

  1. Clear and Precise Communication

  2. Word Choice

  3. The Rule of Silence

  4. The Power of a Forward Focus

In the next two blogs, these are covered in detail so come back for more!

The digital, faceless communication for remote workers can make it hard to understand and perceive the right tone or message.  Clear, concise language and word choice are key to collaboration.  These are all skills that certified coaches have been modeling for years.  Using silence as a respectful tool for thinking opens up the line of communication. Focusing on the future instead of the past is essential.  Implementing some of the strategies and lessons taught during coaching certification or modeled while working with a trained coach will go a long way in improving the performance of remote teams, enhancing the employee experience, and maximizing your company culture.

* Originally posted on #CenterforCoachingCertification by #CathyLiska.