How does coaching work?


How does coaching work?

Coaching creates a time and safe place for people to think, talk it through, consider different possibilities and the implications, make their own choices, develop strategies, plan action steps, and own their progress and successes.

Coaching models and processes are often acronyms or a series of keywords to help remember the steps in the process. While coaching models and processes vary, there is a similarity to the flow of coaching conversations and coaching techniques.

Learning a coaching model and process starts in coach training. Different Coaching certification programs develop different acronyms and descriptions of their coaching process. Additionally, the specific tools vary and are copyrighted by the organization. Similarities come from shared ethics and identification of coaching-specific skills.

Coaching is a young profession wherein self-regulation is moving forward, and the International Coach Federation, ICF, is at the forefront of this effort.  ICF provides a Code of Ethics for coaches and defines 11 coaching competencies. Additionally, the ICF has standards for approving coach training and standards for becoming a member and/or earning a credential.

Because recognition as a profession calls for a cohesive, collaborative effort, it makes sense for coach training to be built on existing ICF standards. This in turn supports the similarities of coaching models, processes, and techniques while at the same time honoring a variety of approaches.

Different coaches provide services in different ways, using different models, processes, or techniques. When the different ways are in keeping with coaching ethics, the variety enhances coaching as a whole.

* Originally posted on #CenterforCoachingCertification by #CathyLiska, December 7, 2021