How Personal Values Motivate Employees


How Personal Values Motivate Employees

In business it is about the bottom line. When Tony Hsieh, CEO who took Zappos (an online shoe business) from a 1.6 million dollar business to a 1 billion dollar business in nine years, people wanted to know how he did it. The answer he came to over many years is that employees want to know that their efforts are meaningful. A recent study by CBS MoneyWatch shows that when people are asked what motivates them at work, 29% said that the most motivating thing is knowing that what they do is meaningful.

Examples of Questions:

  • What about your work is interesting?

  • What is important?

  • What aligns with who you are?

  • What part of your day brings a smile?

  • What does your work mean to you?

  • How do you bring your values to work?

What gives meaning to people? The answer is connected to values. One fabulous tool available to a coach is a client’s values. There are several ways to learn about these gems. One way is to ask about values. Another is through active listening. A trained coach will hear what matters most through conversations, and ask more about them. Brainstorming is another avenue to pursue with a client. This is an excellent way to increase focus about what matters personally to a client. It may even bring a broader definition of what values are in personal terms. Gaining a firm vision of values empowers better understanding around decision making, time management, and goals. Realizing and reconnecting personal values gives meaning to a client’s work, which generates energy for daily action.

The research shows that finding meaning when it comes to work motivates people. As a coach that means supporting a client to find meaning in their goals which supports their success.

* Originally posted on #CenterforCoachingCertification by #CathyLiska.